| | You can donate in cash (mail), by normal bank- or wire transfer, by PayPal or by using our payment provider by which we also offer the possibility to pay with;

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| | Donating to Peoples Projects Foundation means becoming part of a growing community of people, who recognise the need for the worldwide change to environment friendly, economic, sustainable, alternate energy sources.
As a donor you get your own Peoples account from which you are able to communicate with other donors, participate in (future) forums, profit from special offers and take part in chat sessions with employees of Peoples Projects and the various projects.
Your donation can be in whatever amount and in whatever form you like. Our privacy policy is to not sell on or share your contact details with 3rd parties.
Please enter your Email, a password of your choice and your (first)name in the form below and choose your way of payment. For donating via bank to bank transfer, internet banking or 'wire transfer', including in the amount the transaction charges, if any, as paid by donor.
After completion of the donation, you will get a screen confirmation of your Peoples account and donation. We will send you an email with all the details as well.
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| | If you wish, you can donate to Peoples Projects Foundation without creating a Peoples account.
Please use our details as provided below to send us your donation;
Peoples Projects Foundation Kolkweg 81 8243 PN Lelystad (NL)
IBAN NL18 TRIO 0390 2420 63
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