| |  Dixon van Iersel |
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| |  Anthony Howarth |
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| | Peoples Projects Foundation has been founded in the Netherlands by IT-specialist and businessman Dixon van Iersel.
Peoples Projects is a not-for-profit Dutch foundation.
It's creation was inspired by the sustainable energy talks, writings and real-world practical solar transport engineering work of engineer, sailor, traveller, photographer and (Oscar nominated) filmmaker Anthony Howarth.
The Foundation's purpose is to help people become aware of the availability of environment friendly, alternative sources of energy, which are also practical, sustainable, economical and commercially realizable right now.
Therefore, Peoples Projects Foundation will fund selected sustainable energy related projects. It will also organise workshops and seminars, and generally seek to inform people, around the world, of what can be done now, as well as in the future, to help secure our planet.
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| | "This picture on the left was taken at the moment my granddaughter smiled at me. Her (great) grandparents are part of generations that brought wealth and prosperity, but also pollution, war and crisis to this world. I don't want this to be the heritage to my (grand)children. My generation, and the generations before us, are to blame. So, I want to earn that smile from all the children in the world by working toward an improved environment.
Hearing from Tony about the achievable possibilities for a cleaner environment by the direct use of solar energy and his ambition to promote photovoltaics as The Solar Circumnavigator inspired me to found Peoples Projects Foundation.
I hope you, as a visitor to this website, feel the same and will join me in the effort.”
Dixon van Iersel
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